செவ்வாய், 5 ஜூலை, 2022

10th English Vocabulary Phrasal verbs / Idioms and Phrases | appropriate phrasal verb / Idioms and Phrases


Phrasal Verbs

Complete the following sentence with the most appropriate phrasal verb given below.

1.    The crew _____ of water and food before they could complete their expedition.

a) ran on                    b) ran about

c) ran in                     d) ran out

2.    Students should know how to _____ with their friends.

a) get on                    b) get about

c) get in                     d) get out

3.    The board of directors _____.

a) fell on                    b) fell about

c) fell in                     d) fell apart

4.    The officer _____ their demands.

a) looked up               b) looked into

c) looked for               d) looked at

5.    I never _____ in the gym.

a) work in                  b) work out

c) work away              d) work up

6.    It helps to _____ the calories.

a) warm up                b) stretch out

c) puton                     d) burn off

7.    She says its important to _____ good levels of strength and stamina.

a) build away              b) build out

c) build up                  d) build in

8.    I _____ the world in the dictionary.

a) look away              b) look up

c) look out                 d) look in

9.    I have _____ all my difficulties.

a) got on                   b) got about

c) got in                     d) got over

10.  I could not _____ with the others since I am a slow learner.

a) keep up                 b) keep off

c) keep on                 d) keep out

11.  The air hostess instructed the passengers to wear the seat belts during the _____.

a) take up                  b) take down

c) take off                  d) take in

12.  Venkat felt happy to _____ the neighbours in the new locality.

a) get along with         b) get in with

c) get up with             d) get away with

13.  There will be a _____ next week in the office.

a) shut up                  b) shut down

c) shut off                  d) shut in

14.  The mother instructed the maid to _____ the child carefully.

a) look into                b) look away

c) look for                  d) look after

15.  I _____ an old school-friend at the mall.

a) ran on                    b) ran in

c) ran into                  d) ran at

16.  When you leave the room _____ the light.

a) turn out                  b) turn off

c) turn to                   d) turn at

17.  The report _____ the need for more staff.

a) spelled out              b) spelled off

c) spelled in                d) spelled through

18.  We _____ the furniture, when we won the lottery.

a) threw over              b) threw in

c) threw away             d) threw at

19.  Please _____ and eat before the food gets cold.

a) go ahead                b) go on

c) go in                      d) go up

20.  Most of my make up _____ before I got to the party.

a) wore away              b) wore off

c) wore on                 d) wore in

21.  It helps to _____ the calories.

a) burn up                  b) burn out

c) burn on                  d) burn off

22.  He tried to _____ the sum.

a) work around           b) work on

c) work through           d) work out

23.  It’s impossible to _____ with him.

a) get at                    b) get along

c) getrid of                 d) get round to

24.  Although we are beaten, we must _____.

a) hang on                 b) hang out

c) hang about             d) hang up

25.  I’m really lucky because I don’t _____ weight easily.

a) put on                   b) put out

c) put down                d) put off

26.  I tried aerobics several times but I couldn’t _____ with the others.

a) keep on                 b) keep around

c) keep out                d) keep up

27.  You should never _____ poor people.

a) looked down in        b) look before

c) look down on          d) look after

28.  _____ quietly with your work until the substitute teacher arrives.

a) carry off                 b) carry on

c) carry in                   d) carry to

29.  Choose the correct phrasal verb that means “to meet or find someone or something by  chance.”

a) come down with      b) come across

c) come forward          d) come from

30.  The sports meet was _____ due to the rain.

a) called up                b) called for

c) called in                  d) called off

31.  He _____ his wealth and became a social worker.

a) give on                  b) give back

c) give in                    d) give up

32.  We must not _____ to temptations.

a) give on                  b) give back

c) give in                    d) give up

33.  The meeting was _____ due to bad weather.

a) put off                   b) put in

c) put up                    d) put on

34.  The car _____ in the middle of the travel.

a) break off                b) call up

c) broke down            d) come back

35.  Many people _____ for the job.

a) put off                   b) put in

c) put up                    d) put on

36.  I cannot _____ your hand writing.

a) make for                b) make up

c) make out                d) make in

37.  The only time I _____ is when I need something from the top shelf.

a) stretch to               b) stretch away

c) stretch out              d) stretch upto

38.  Please _____ our landline connection.

a) cut with                  b) cut on

c) cut in                     d) cut off

39.  The police personnel instructed the mob to _____ from the place during the strike.

a) go away                 b) go over

c) go ahead                d) go after

40.  Doing _____ everyday in the morning keeps one healthy.

a) warm in                  b) warm up

c) warm out                d) warm into


Idioms and Phrases

1.     I have a _________ ideas.

a) once in a blue moon     b) a million and one          c) time out of mind           d) done to a turn

2.     Arockia Raj was a “chicken-hearted” person.

a) brave                            b) kind-hearted                 c) arrogant                        d) cowardly

3.     The boxer is ready to _________ on his long career.

a) call it a day                   b) break even                   c) a yellow streak              d) an early bird

4.     He loved his daughter very much. She was the _________.

a) break even                   b) second childhood         c) apple of one’s eye         d) once in a blue moon

5.     Still the drugs are _________.

a) a big way                      b) a brain child                  c) take part in                   d) a drop in the ocean

6.     Choose the correct idiom that means ‘the secret is out’.

a) the cat is out of the bag                                        b) on the ball
c) once in a blue moon                                            d) in deep waters

7.     Choose the correct idioms that mean ‘become more confident in expressing oneself’

a) over the moon             b) under the sun               c) find one’s voice             d) tight as a tick

8.     The teacher asked the students ‘to lend an ear’.

a) to speak                       b) to listen                        c) to fight with others       d) to help others

9.     We talked about everything _________.

a) in deep water               b) under the sun               c) a rare event                   d) to bear with

10.   If we are lucky, we’ll _________.

a) benefit of                      b) a yellow streak              c) break even                    d) a brain child

11.   She passed the test She’s an _________.

a) sly as a fox                   b) hard as nails                 c) steady as a rock            d) sharp as a tack

12.   Choose the correct idiom that means ‘competent’ _________.

a) on the go                     b) on the ball                    c) on the wind                   d) on strong waters

13.   Choose the correct idioms that means ‘difficult situation’

a) under the sun               b) on the ball                    c) over the wall                 d) in deep waters

14.   She was extremely happy.

a) sharp as a tack             b) on the ball                    c) once on a blue moon    d) over the moon

 10th English vocabulary and grammar 

Phrasal verbs / Idioms and Phrases Answer Keys

Phrasal Verbs

1.    d)  ran out

2.    a)  get on

3.    d)  fell apart

4.    c) build up
5.    b)  work out

6.    d)  burn off

7.    c)  build up

8.    b)  look up

9.    d)  got over

10.  a)  keep up

11.  c)  take off

12.  a)  get along with

13.  b)  shut down

14.  d)  look after

15.  c)  ran into

16.  b)  turn off

17.  a)  spelled out

18.  c)  threw away

19.  a)  go ahead

20.  b)  wore off

21.  a)  burn up

22.  d)  work out

23.  b)  get along

24.  a)  hang on

25.  a)  put on

26.  d)  keep up

27.  c)  looked down on

28.  b)  carry on

29.  b)  come across

30.  d)  called off

31.  c)  give in

32.  c)  give in

33.  a)  put off

34.  c)  broke down

35.  b)  put in

36.  c)  make out

37.  c)  stretch out

38.  d)  cut off

39.  a)  go away

40.  b)  warm up

Idioms and Phrases

1.   b)  a million and one

2.   d)  cowardly

3.   a)  call it a day

4.   c) apple of one’s eye

5.   d)  a drop in the ocean

6.   b)  the cat is out of the bag

7.    a)  find one’s voice

8.   d)  to listen

9.   b)  under the sun

10.  c)  break even

11. Sharp as a tack

12. b) on the ball

13.  d) in deep waters

14. d) over the moon


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