Here's a list of some common keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Word

 Keyboard Shortcuts 

Here's a list of some common keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Word:

v Ctrl + N: Create a new document.

v Ctrl + O: Open an existing document.

v Ctrl + S: Save the current document.

v Ctrl + P: Print the current document.

v Ctrl + Z: Undo the last action.

v Ctrl + Y: Redo the last action.

v Ctrl + X: Cut the selected text or object.

v Ctrl + C: Copy the selected text or object.

v Ctrl + V: Paste the cut or copied text or object.

v Ctrl + A: Select all text and objects in the current document.

v Ctrl + F: Open the Find dialog box to search for text.

v Ctrl + H: Open the Replace dialog box to find and replace text.

v Ctrl + B: Make the selected text bold.

v Ctrl + I: Italicize the selected text.

v Ctrl + U: Underline the selected text.

v Ctrl + L: Align the selected text or paragraph to the left.

v Ctrl + R: Align the selected text or paragraph to the right.

v Ctrl + E: Center-align the selected text or paragraph.

v Ctrl + J: Justify the selected text or paragraph.

v Ctrl + Home: Move the cursor to the beginning of the document.

v Ctrl + End: Move the cursor to the end of the document.

v Ctrl + ← / →: Move the cursor one word to the left or right.

v Ctrl + ↑ / ↓: Move the cursor one paragraph up or down.

v Ctrl + Shift + ← / →: Select one word to the left or right.

v Ctrl + Shift + ↑ / ↓: Select one paragraph up or down.

v Ctrl + Shift + Home: Select from the cursor position to the beginning of the document.

v Ctrl + Shift + End: Select from the cursor position to the end of the document.

v Ctrl + Shift + F: Change the font of the selected text.

v Ctrl + Shift + >: Increase the font size of the selected text.

v Ctrl + Shift + <: Decrease the font size of the selected text.



v Ctrl + Home: Go to the beginning of the document.

v Ctrl + End: Go to the end of the document.

v Ctrl + ↑ / ↓: Move one paragraph up or down.

v Ctrl + ← / →: Move one word left or right.

v Ctrl + PgUp / PgDn: Move one screen up or down.

v Alt + Ctrl + PgUp / PgDn: Move to the top or bottom of the visible window.

v Ctrl + G: Go to a specific page, line, or bookmark.



v Shift + ↑ / ↓: Select text upward or downward.

v Shift + ← / →: Select text to the left or right.

v Ctrl + Shift + ↑ / ↓: Extend a selection one paragraph up or down.

v Ctrl + Shift + ← / →: Extend a selection one word left or right.

v Ctrl + Shift + Home: Select from the insertion point to the beginning of the document.

v Ctrl + Shift + End: Select from the insertion point to the end of the document.

v Ctrl + A: Select the entire document.



v Ctrl + X: Cut the selected text or object.

v Ctrl + C: Copy the selected text or object.

v Ctrl + V: Paste the cut or copied text or object.

v Ctrl + Z: Undo the last action.

v Ctrl + Y: Redo the last action.

v Ctrl + D: Open the Font dialog box.

v Ctrl + E: Center-align the paragraph.

v Ctrl + J: Justify the paragraph.

v Ctrl + L: Left-align the paragraph.

v Ctrl + R: Right-align the paragraph.

v Ctrl + M: Indent the paragraph.

v Ctrl + Shift + M: Remove a paragraph indent.



v Ctrl + B: Make the selected text bold.

v Ctrl + I: Italicize the selected text.

v Ctrl + U: Underline the selected text.

v Ctrl + Shift + L: Apply the bulleted list format.

v Ctrl + Shift + L: Apply the numbered list format.

v Ctrl + Spacebar: Remove formatting from the selected text.



v Alt + Ctrl + R: Switch to Read Mode.

v Ctrl + F: Open the Navigation Pane to search the document.

v Ctrl + Alt + V: Open the Paste Special dialog box.

v Ctrl + Alt + Z: Open the Zoom dialog box.



v Ctrl + N: Create a new document.

v Ctrl + O: Open an existing document.

v Ctrl + S: Save the current document.

v Ctrl + P: Print the current document.

v F7: Check spelling and grammar.

v Ctrl + F1: Show or hide the Ribbon.

v F12: Open the Save As dialog box.


Basic Text Editing:

v Ctrl + A: Select all

v Ctrl + B: Bold

v Ctrl + C: Copy

v Ctrl + D: Font options

v Ctrl + E: Center alignment

v Ctrl + F: Find

v Ctrl + G: Go to

v Ctrl + H: Replace

v Ctrl + I: Italic

v Ctrl + J: Justify alignment

v Ctrl + K: Insert hyperlink

v Ctrl + L: Left alignment

v Ctrl + M: Indent

v Ctrl + N: New document

v Ctrl + O: Open document

v Ctrl + P: Print

v Ctrl + Q: Remove paragraph formatting

v Ctrl + R: Right alignment

v Ctrl + S: Save

v Ctrl + T: Hanging indent

v Ctrl + U: Underline

v Ctrl + V: Paste

v Ctrl + W: Close document

v Ctrl + X: Cut

v Ctrl + Y: Redo

v Ctrl + Z: Undo

v Ctrl + Shift + >: Increase font size

v Ctrl + Shift + <: Decrease font size

v Ctrl + Shift + A: All caps

v Ctrl + Shift + C: Copy formatting

v Ctrl + Shift + D: Double underline

v Ctrl + Shift + E: Track changes

v Ctrl + Shift + F: Change font

v Ctrl + Shift + H: Hide or display character formatting

v Ctrl + Shift + K: Small caps

v Ctrl + Shift + L: Bulleted list

v Ctrl + Shift + M: Insert comment

v Ctrl + Shift + N: Apply normal style

v Ctrl + Shift + O: Outline view

v Ctrl + Shift + P: Change font size

v Ctrl + Shift + Q: Remove paragraph formatting

v Ctrl + Shift + S: Apply styles

v Ctrl + Shift + T: Strikethrough

v Ctrl + Shift + U: Toggle case

v Ctrl + Shift + V: Paste formatting

v Ctrl + Shift + W: Underline words only

v Ctrl + Shift + X: Exit outline view

v Ctrl + Shift + Y: Repeat find

v Ctrl + Shift + Z: Repeat undo

v Ctrl + Shift + Spacebar: Non-breaking space

v Ctrl + Shift + Hyphen: Non-breaking hyphen



v Ctrl + Home: Move to beginning of document

v Ctrl + End: Move to end of document

v Ctrl + ←: Move one word to the left

v Ctrl + →: Move one word to the right

v Ctrl + ↑: Move to previous paragraph

v Ctrl + ↓: Move to next paragraph

v Alt + Ctrl + Page Up: Move up one screen

v Alt + Ctrl + Page Down: Move down one screen

v Alt + Ctrl + ↑: Move to top of window

v Alt + Ctrl + ↓: Move to bottom of window

v Ctrl + Shift + F6: Switch to previous document window

v Ctrl + F6: Switch to next document window



v Shift + ←: Extend selection one character to the left

v Shift + →: Extend selection one character to the right

v Shift + ↑: Extend selection one line up

v Shift + ↓: Extend selection one line down

v Shift + Home: Extend selection to beginning of line

v Shift + End: Extend selection to end of line

v Ctrl + Shift + ←: Extend selection to beginning of word

v Ctrl + Shift + →: Extend selection to end of word

v Ctrl + Shift + ↑: Extend selection to beginning of paragraph

v Ctrl + Shift + ↓: Extend selection to end of paragraph

v Ctrl + A: Select entire document


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