Simple Education job: The Lost Continent on Earth - Best Lemuria and Kumari Kandam Sites

செவ்வாய், 11 அக்டோபர், 2022

The Lost Continent on Earth - Best Lemuria and Kumari Kandam Sites

 Kumari Kandam

Kumari Kandam - Lost Landmass

Known to be a legendary lost landmass arranged in the old Tamil progress, Kumari Kandam (at times alluded to as Kumari Nadu and Kumarikkandam) is supposed to be situated toward the south of India's current area in the Indian Sea. It is accepted that this mainland was lowered under the sea and since its presence has been brought up in the late nineteenth hundred years, the point has been a reason for some hypotheses, exhaustive exploration and warmed conversations.



It was in the last option part of the nineteenth century that the hypotheses of a lost mainland Lemuria were made by an European and American researchers trying to make sense of likeness for Africa, India, Madagascar, and Australia on land and different viewpoints. Besides, the presence of a lost landmass was even referenced in a few early Tamil works. Later in the twentieth hundred years, the term 'Kumari Kandam' was begun being utilized to allude to this lowered landmass. Everything considered, the advanced ideas of plate tectonics and mainland float hypothesis were subsequently raised to deliver the previous hypothesis outdated. Yet, the conviction about its presence actually stayed famous among numerous Tamil Pentecostals and patriots and up right up 'til now, many hold the assessment that Kumari Kandam was genuine.


Conviction and Fantasies - Kumari Kandam

The legend of Pandiyan lords losing a piece of their territory to the sea as portrayed in Tamil and Sanskrit Writing was associated with the lost landmass by a few Tamil Pentecostals in the nineteenth 100 years. The term 'Kumari Kandam' was first referenced, harking back to the fifteenth 100 years in the Tamil strict legendary Kanda Puranam. At the point when the inquiries concerning Lemuria's presence came to frontier India, individuals had an extraordinary confidence in old stories and accepted to be realities that were verifiable events. Subsequently, 'Kumari Kandam' was begun being utilized rather than Lemuria.


Tamil evangelist in the twentieth century trusted Kumari Kandam to be where the initial two Tamil sangams were coordinated. They likewise attested it to be the support of the civilisation which addresses the legacy of Tamil culture and language.


The account of Kumari Kandam is additionally loaded profound with nationalistic feelings. Many individuals accepted that Pandiyan lords used to run the whole Indian mainland and Tamil progress is the earliest civilization of the world.


Some asserted that following the submersion of the lost mainland, its occupants laid out different human advancements and began to get comfortable various regions of the planet. Consequently, Kumari Kandam is supposed to be the stage that added to the set up of the whole human civilisation.


One more fantasy related with Kumari Kandam is connected with Adam's scaffold (frequently alluded to as Rama's extension or Rama Setu) which is a chain of limestone reefs comprising of little rocks, sediment and sand that is reached out to around 18 miles in Palk Waterway from central area India to Sri Lanka. While it was once supposed to be planned normally, pictures taken by the NASA satellite in the later times portrayed it to be a long scaffold that was broken underneath the sea.


Moreover, the presence of this extension itself raises one more legend that is referenced in the Hindu strict sacred text Ramayana. As per this legend, when Sita was held hostage by Ravana, Ruler Rama utilized this scaffold to cross the sea and arrive at Lanka with his Vanara Sena.


Thus, basically, the presence of Kumari Kandam is one that is brimming with discussion and brings up a ton of legitimate issues. While adherents of science and rationale defer off any case connected with such hypothesis, a few Tamil patriots evangelist actually assume that Kumara Kandam was a lot of genuine. It is totally upon you to conclude what you accept to be valid; however the prospect of there being a lost civilization is by all accounts particularly intriguing!

Kumari Kandam –  The Lost Continent on Earth

We've all heard a lot of stories doing the rounds about the Atlantis, the imaginary city that Greeks expounded on in their writing. It was accepted that they were very cutting-edge and liberal for their time. Tragically, it was accepted that the entire city was consumed by the sea, leaving no leftovers of its local people. This without a doubt was a grievous end.


A comparative story, albeit a less famous one, has been described in India. This less popular story is about a lost mainland known as the 'Kumari Kandam.' Very nearly hundred years back, Tamil patriots put stock in the presence of Kumari Kandam and tracked down a closeness with Lemuria - a legendary "lost land" that humanized for over 20,000 years with Tamil talking populace.


This now-depressed landmass was arranged in the Indian and the Pacific Sea and was the associating line among Africa and South India, by means of Madagascar. This Tamil mainland was administered by Pandiyan Rulers for additional 10,000 years, preceding getting lowered. Then, local people and the Pandiyan Ruler relocated to the remaining place that is known for Kumari Kandam and afterward the capital was moved to Kapatapuram.

Having lost practically the entire of Kumari Kandam, the Pandiyan Lord then chose to vanquish the pieces of grounds that had a place with the Chera and Chola rulers and proclaimed Korkai, which was prior called Kapatapuram, as the capital in the later days.


According to the Kumari Kandam heroes, the landmass was lowered when the ocean levels rose and last ice age finished. It was after this that the Tamil public relocated and blended in with various gatherings, perpetually framing new dialects, races, and civilizations. A many individuals likewise accept that the entire of humankind is dropped from the occupants of Kumari Kandam. Both the stories settle on one normal point that the Tamil culture is the underpinning of all illuminated societies on the planet, and Tamil is the mother language middle any remaining dialects on the planet.


For the present, it can't be determined whether Kumari Kandam - the "lost land" as described in the archaic Tamil writing - existed or not. If indeed, the guessed size and site still up in the air with complete guarantee. To say the best, there are various insights behind such metropolitan fantasies, however no real way to tell presently. For the present, while we might expect that Tamil development once lost land must be contrasted with a region or a little city in the present age, however we can't guarantee assuming it was essentially as large as a mainland.


Lemuria and Kumari Kandam

We are mindful that the beginning of the Tamil public and their way of life is covered in profound secret. However there are numerous practices described in early writing, "Kumari Kandam", the land that lay toward the south of India and, which later lowered in the Indian Sea, has involved guess for a concentrate by researchers.


Two American famous geologists McKenzie and Sclater have obviously made sense of that Africa and South America were locked together as a component of the crude landmass until around a long time back.

The current developments of India, Arabia, Africa, Antarctica, South America and Australia fired separating because of regular disturbances and moving to various pieces of the earth at the pace of 15,000 years for each mile on a normal and tracked down their places in the Asian Landmass. The development of the earth mass, called Navalam Theevu in Tamil, caused the arrangement of the current mainland of India.


There was an overall conviction that both Lemuria and Kumari Kandam were indeed the very same. Notwithstanding, it has been laid out by Candid Joseph, Secretary for Old American Relationship, in his book "The Lost Development of Lemuria", the presence of a land called Lemuria, one of the world's most seasoned civilizations, around 2.5 lakh quite a while back, in Indonesia. Consequently, Lemuria and Kumari Kandam, which existed in southern piece of India, are various grounds.


Mr. Joseph has likewise settled that the Mohenjodaro letters of Eastern Islands are almost 1,00,000 years of age. He has fundamentally inspected the perspectives on different researchers and laid out the wellspring of Mohenjodaro letters as well as the old human advancement of Moo and has composed that because of normal catastrophes, the island of Moo was obliterated around 2.5 lakh quite a while back.


Eastern Island, 1,000 miles close to Japan, has a content called Rongo and it is indistinguishable with Mohenjodaro letters. This has been fixed as 1,00,000 years of age.


From the Island of Moo called Lemuria, which was situated close to Indonesia around 2.5 lakhs a long time back, individuals routinely moved out to Atlantis in Mexican Ocean and Kumari Kandam in South Tamil Nadu, around a long time back because of tidal wave. These letters are the content of Moo civilization, which was advanced.


From Atlantis, because of tidal wave, the Moo public moved to South America and became Aztecs and Incas. The people who moved to North America became Mexicans and Red Indians.


From Kumari Kandam, South of Tamil Nadu, around a long time back individuals moved to Africa and became Sumerians and the people who moved from Africa to Arabia later became Jews.


From Kumari Kandam, South of Tamil Nadu because of wave, individuals moved to Bengal and became Cholas and the people who moved to Sind and Punjab became Cheras.


In Sillapathikaram, it was referenced that one "Ezhuthanga Nadu" (7x7 =49 nations) existed. In this way, Southern Tamil Nadu and Kumari Kandam are various locales. The individuals who have moved to Southern Tamil Nadu were called Pandiyas and they spread over Ceylon and Tirunelvelli.


Tamil written works express that during the Kurukshethra war, Chera Lords had given food to both the armed forces. From this multitude of we reach a resolution that the Old South India would have been with tall precipices, thick backwoods with high fruitfulness.


Due to a catastrophe, which occurred in 9,000 BC, a fabulous obliteration happened and annihilated Chera, Chola and Pandiya Realms and they generally then came and got comfortable South India. The incredible researcher Sri Avvai Duraisamy Pillai has laid out that the "Pancha Dravidam" is the area comprising Gujarath, Maharashtra, Andhra, Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.


This is an ideal opportunity to compose the right history of Tamil Nadu. In "Irayanar Agapporul" (Nakkeerar Urai) it is referenced that 72 Pandiya Lords had administered Tamil Nadu (which was comprehensive of the obliterated Kumari Kandam) from 30,000 B.C. to 16,000 B.C. (for example for a long time).


Our colleges need to embrace the obligation to show up at the right history of Tamil Nadu.


Research has not been done as such far to survey accurately the shape and presence of Tamil letters. Today in Tamil, three 'La', two 'Ra' and three 'Na' exist. These exist in 'Grantha' too. However, in 'Naagari', which got birth in 500 A.C., there are only one 'La', one 'Ra', and two 'Na'.


M. Sundarraj, resigned Monetary Regulator of Necessary Mentor Plant, who did broad exploration on Apparatus Vedas, has composed a book named "Apparatus Vedic Investigations". He has made sense of that our Apparatus Vedic Folklore is the old one on the planet. The Apparatus Vedic Fantasies are emblematic articulations of galactic peculiarities, both of lunar asterisms and sun powered developments.


The Apparatus Veda schedule was basically a luni-sun powered one, the lunar perspectives being thought of as significant for sacred purposes, however the sun oriented developments which decided the seasons, were likewise of significance to Apparatus Vedic individuals.


The Apparatus Veda has previously embraced a means of collection together the stars in the lunar zodiac in the pictorial structure, for example, that of a bull, scorpion, hawk and so on.


The beginning of the idea of constellational groupings in pictorial structures can be followed in Apparatus Veda.


As per N.P.Ramadurai, a stargazing specialist, the pattern of time alluding to 24,320 human years is referenced in the Apparatus Veda at around 50 spots. However, to peruse Apparatus Veda, 'Grantha' is fundamental.


Additionally to peruse and get a handle on plainly our 'Sangam writing' 'Grantha' information is essential. If we insightfully and charitably acknowledge that our old Tamil letters are 'Grantha' letters, it will prepare to understand our old human progress.


Likewise, to understand theory, craftsmanship, mold, medication and so forth, 'Grantha' will be helpful. It is important at this stage to do escalated research on the Mohenjodaro letters and our old dialects, Sanskrit and Tamil, and, other Indian dialects, to determine concerning how the content changed throughout a period and new dialects developed.


In India, Tamil and Sankrit are the most established dialects and both are beginning of different dialects. This reality is demonstrated by Vedas and our Tamil Sangam Writing. Extraordinary Holy person Arunagiri Nadhar says in his Thirupugazh that Tamil has 51 'Atcharams'. Additionally, the complete number of 'Grantha' letters is 51.


To get back the historical backdrop of multiple lakh years previously, Saptharishi schedule just will actually want to give appropriate and authentic help.


We have had the option to fix the dates of history from 25th Chathur Yuga to 28th Chathur Yuga. Saptharishi Mandala plays had a significant impact in practically all the old human progress of the world. It is the critical mark of every cosmic computation and perceptions.


N.P.Ramadurai, with my help, has found and laid out that the Saptha Rishi Mandala requires just 2,187 years to make one complete circle through every one of the 27 asterisms.


He had the option to lay out that Chathur Yuga includes just 12,160 years.

I finish up with a solicitation to every one of the incomparable Tamil researchers, prominent stargazers and numerical specialists to consolidate in this honorable examination to lay out the brilliance of Tamil language and Tamil rush to the entire world.


Are Kumari Kandam and Lemuria the same?

Kumari Kandam is a tropical island chain off the coast of India, located between Sri Lanka & Indonesia. There are over 10 islands in the chain and they are known to be rich in biodiversity. However, some believe that these islands are actually connected and are parts of larger land mass called Lemuria. According to them, these lands were once connected and was home to many ancient civilizations. Lemuria is said to have existed millions of years ago and people believe that it was destroyed due to volcanic activity. Many people still believe that the story behind this lost civilization is true and the continent may yet be discovered.


Does Lemuria Exist?

The legend of Lemuria states that it was inhabited by fair people who were gentle brave warriors. People were able to live in Lemuria without any technology, they had no need for money yet managed to build floating cities and global trade was accessible. There was never an instance of war, fighting, murder, rape, robbery, thievery, or even murder; they lived together in harmony. Their society consisted of five divisions: farmers, hunters, fishers, artisans, and healers. The people grew their own food under communal conditions and had plenty of everything. 

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